Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A new project: Framing wedding pictures

The pictures from my wedding came out beautifully - big thanks to Eric Parton! So after many days of thinking and narrowing down how many images I should print & what sizes they should be; I finally have them in my hands {black & white, different sizes... so dramatic}.

Now I am debating how to frame them and how to hang them...... hmmm here are some inspiration

Restoration Hardware Store

Restoration Hardware Store

I think I am in love with the Restoration Hardware store. Any suggestions on how I should frame my photos?

Happy almost Wednesday!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bentley's watercolor portrait

Hello! and happy holiday weekend to everyone

As I said previously, I am so glad to be painting with my watercolors again!
I have been given a challenge to paint a dog's portrait {Bentley is the most adorable pup ever except for my dog Xan who by the way is the next in line to be painted :)}.... so I took this challenge and this is what came out

Let me know if you are interested in a painting of your doggie or any other painting project.



Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Friday: happy to be back

My blog has been on a long "vacation" I should say. I feel like everytime I get around to posting something so much would happen in that time frame.

Well I am MARRIED!!! I've moved to a great and the most inspiring part of Atlanta (I could be wrong) but I so love it. I have been back on track with the painting; I have rediscovered watercolors-oh, boy how much I missed my paints. With so many events going, I think I am ready to write a book-too bad I am not a great writer.

How has your summer been? Did anything exciting happen?

Here is a sneak peak to what I have been up to:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

1 year anniversary :)

So on January 22 was our 1 year anniversary, I can't believe that it has been so long. It was a very exciting year! We have done so many things together: zoo visit {well we do a lot of things with Daniil}, going to Little Yellow Ranch, Savannah trips {absolutely love that city}, go to the beach, celebrating each others birthday... the list does not stop there. To celebrate our 1 year we got all dressed up and went back to the place where we had our first date {it might sounds cheesy but I thought it was so cute}.
Since we have been putting our money into the wedding, we felt that it would not be a good idea to buy each other gifts. We had to be more creative.

 I am so happy that I am about to marry this amazing person.

PS My wedding invites have a new uplifting look :) Pictures will be coming soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am on Etsy

Hello, hello!

I am so glad to announce that my handmade and hand painted items are now available for sale on Etsy :)
I would like to thank my fiance for his patience while I have spent many hours trying to figure out what to post and how I should take pictures of my items.

While I was taking photos, I thought that it would be nice to take a photography class! I also have been thinking about purchasing a new camera. Any thoughts on cameras?

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Playing in the snow :)

Today was an unexpected adventure-playing in the snow! I felt like I was back in Russia for a little while. Daniil, my dad, and I went on a hunt for some great hills to slide down from. Daniil was scared to go down the hill though he kept trying to walk on the ice. Well everything ended with no broking bones.
While taking a day off of work not by choice but by the amount of snow, I was able to get some pictures of my handmade wedding invites :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Inspiration of the day

Hi, hi!

Only one more day left in this year. I still can't believe 2011 is almost here!
Since I have been trying to get back into a painting mode, I thought looking for an inspiration for my next project can be a great idea. So here it is....

Russian Folk Art :) I am already getting home sick... Back in the summer, I painted a few wine bottles and since that time the shelf with "ready" to paint bottles grew {well what can I say we love wine}.

My wedding invites are still in progress - it's taking me longer than I thought but I am so excited to share my finished product soon.